

Created By
2022/12/13 23:24
Last Edited Time
2022/12/13 23:24
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ubuntu 환경에서 기본 방화벽인 ufw 에 ipset 을 활용하여 kubernetes 서비스 포트들을 등록하는 방법 소개 ufw는 부분적으로 iptables-restore 에 대한 프론트 엔드이며 Uncomplicated Firewall 이라고 부릅니다.
On-premise 환경에서는 보안등의 이유로 firewall 설정이 필요하며, 인터넷에 나와있는 대부분의 kubernetes 환경에서는 firewall 은 배제하고 구성되어 이번에 룰을 구성하면서 정리한 자료를 공유

Iptables Process Flow

iptables 의 경우 Linux 커널의 네트워크 스택에 있는 패킷 필터링 Hook 과 연동되어 동작한다.
Reference :

ufw flow

# ufw 규칙은 before.rules → user.rules → after.rules 순으로 평가된다. # 기본적으로 ufw command 로 생성되는 규칙은 user.rules 에 들어감 ~# tree /etc/ufw/ /etc/ufw/ ├── after.init ├── after.rules ├── after6.rules ├── applications.d │ └── openssh-server ├── before.init ├── before.rules ├── before6.rules ├── sysctl.conf ├── ufw.conf ├── user.rules └── user6.rules

규칙 생성

K8S_NODE_NET = MASTER, NODE 들의 IP K8S_POD_NET = pods 들의 IP 대역 K8S_CLUSTER_NET = CLUSTER IP 대역 K8S_EX_POOL = Public DNS 용 K8S_IN_POOL = Private DNS 용 K8S_ALL_LIST = ipset 초기화를 위한 모든 NET 리스트 추가 K8S_OUT_PORT = kubernetes output port K8S_IN_PORT = Kubernetes input port K8S_INTER_PORT = kubernetes 클러스터 내부 master, node 끼리 통신할경우 사용되는 포트 # 추가 K8S_DST_PROTO_HASH = calico 사용시 type 4 가 ufw 에서 차단됨, 추가


# # rule for kubernetes # -A ufw-after-input -o vxlan.calico -m comment --comment "K8S calico shoul be allowed" -j ACCEPT -A ufw-after-output -o vxlan.calico -m comment --comment "K8S calico shoul be allowed" -j ACCEPT -A ufw-after-input -o cali+ -m comment --comment "K8S calico shoul be allowed" -j ACCEPT -A ufw-after-output -o cali+ -m comment --comment "K8S calico shoul be allowed" -j ACCEPT # enable protocol number rules between nodes -A ufw-after-input -m set --match-set K8S_NODE_NET src --match-set K8S_DST_PROTO_HASH dst,dst -m comment --comment "K8S accept protocol number rule inbound" -j ACCEPT -A ufw-after-output -m set --match-set K8S_NODE_NET src --match-set K8S_DST_PROTO_HASH dst,dst -m comment --comment "K8S accept protocol number rule inbound" -j ACCEPT # enable inter node k8s default ports -A ufw-after-input -m set --match-set K8S_NODE_NET src -m set --match-set K8S_NODE_NET dst -m set --match-set K8S_INTER-PORT dst -m comment --comment "accept kubernetes node ports" -j ACCEPT -A ufw-after-output -m set --match-set K8S_NODE_NET src -m set --match-set K8S_NODE_NET dst -m set --match-set K8S_INTER-PORT dst -m comment --comment "accept kubernetes node ports" -j ACCEPT # whitelist internode from cluster-cidr node address -A ufw-after-input -m set --match-set K8S_CLUSTER_NET src -m set --match-set K8S_NODE_NET dst -m comment --comment "K8S enable cluster service network access to node network" -j ACCEPT -A ufw-after-output -m set --match-set K8S_CLUSTER_NET src -m set --match-set K8S_NODE_NET dst -m comment --comment "K8S enable cluster service network access to node network" -j ACCEPT # enable vip external services -A ufw-after-input -m set --match-set K8S_EX_POOL dst -m set --match-set K8S_IN_PORT dst -m comment --comment --comment "accept external web services on VIP" -j ACCEPT -A ufw-after-input -m set --match-set K8S_IN_POOL dst -m set --match-set K8S_IN_PORT dst -m comment --comment --comment "accept external web services on VIP" -j ACCEPT # # ends #


ipset 사용이유, iptables 에서 match 를 구성할 경우, 매우 복잡한 iptable 이 생성되는 데 이것을 hashset 으로 만들어서 구성, 속도와 관리를 모두 편리하게 해 줄수 있다.


sudo apt install ipset iptables netfilter-persistent ipset-persistent sudo systemctl enable ipset-persistent sudo system start ipset-persistent # 바로 저장 sudo netfilter-persistent save
ipset 등록을 위한 스크립트
echo "Creating PORT bimmap" sudo ipset create -! K8S_INTER_PORT bitmap:port range 0-65535 comment sudo ipset create -! K8S_OUT_PORT bitmap:port range 0-65535 comment sudo ipset create -! K8S_IN_PORT bitmap:port range 0-65535 comment # port add sudo ipset create -! K8S_DST_PROTO_HASH hash:net,port comment sudo ipset add -! K8S_DST_PROTO_HASH,4:0 comment "calico ip-in-ip proto 4 type bidrectional" sudo ipset add -! K8S_DST_PROTO_HASH,4:0 comment "calico ip-in-ip proto 4 type bidrectional" sudo ipset add -! K8S_DST_PROTO_HASH,4:0 comment "calico ip-in-ip proto 4 type bidrectional" sudo ipset add -! K8S_DST_PROTO_HASH,4:0 comment "calico ip-in-ip proto 4 type bidrectional" # metallb sudo ipset add -! K8S_INTER_PORT 7472 comment "metallb layer2 port" sudo ipset add -! K8S_INTER_PORT 7946 comment "metallb layer2 port" # calico sudo ipset add -! K8S_INTER_PORT tcp:179 comment "calico networking bgp in/out" sudo ipset add -! K8S_INTER_PORT udp:4789 COMMENT "calico networking with VXLAN in/out" sudo ipset add -! K8S_INTER_PORT tcp:5473 COMMENT "calico networking with Typha in typha agent host" sudo ipset add -! K8S_INTER_PORT udp:51820-51821 comment "calico networking with ipvx wireguard in/out" sudo ipset add -! K8S_INTER_PORT tcp:8080 comment "calico addtional port 8080" # proto:0 는 별도로 등록 필요 bitmap:port 에서는 등록 불가 #sudo ipset add -! K8S_INTER_PORT 4:0 comment "calico networking ip-in-ip in/out" # K8S sudo ipset add -! K8S_INTER_PORT tcp:443 comment "k8s apiserver host 443 6443 in" sudo ipset add -! K8S_INTER_PORT tcp:6443 comment "k8s apiserver host 443 6443 in" sudo ipset add -! K8S_INTER_PORT tcp:2379-2380 comment "k8s etcd datastore can vary in" sudo ipset add -! K8S_INTER_PORT tcp:10250 comment "k8s api used by self and control plane inbound" sudo ipset add -! K8S_INTER_PORT tcp:10257 comment "k8s control manager inbound" sudo ipset add -! K8S_INTER_PORT tcp:10259 comment "k8s scheduler self, control plane inbound" sudo ipset add -! K8S_INTER_PORT tcp:30000-32767 comment "k8s nodeport service all" # External open (service in ports) sudo ipset add -! K8S_IN_PORT tcp:80 comment "generic http port inbound" sudo ipset add -! K8S_IN_PORT tcp:443 comment "generic https port inbound" # -------------- register network ------------ # echo "adding node and network" sudo ipset create -! K8S_NODE_NET hash:net family inet comment sudo ipset create -! K8S_POD_NET hash:net family inet comment sudo ipset create -! K8S_CLUSTER_NET hash:net family inet comment echo "destroying K8S_ALL_NET and recreate as set" sudo ipset destroy K8S_ALL_LIST sudo ipset create -! K8S_ALL_LIST list:set comment sudo ipset create -! K8S_EX_POOL hash:set family inet comment sudo ipset create -! K8S_IN_POOL hash:set family inet comment echo "adding K8S-*-NET as member of K8S_ALL_NET" sudo ipset add -! K8S_ALL_LIST K8S_NODE_NET comment "member K8S_NODE_NET" sudo ipset add -! K8S_ALL_LIST K8S_POD_NET comment "member K8S_POD_NET" sudo ipset add -! K8S_ALL_LIST K8S_CLUSTER_NET comment "member K8S_POD_NET" # K8S node ip sudo ipset add -! K8S_NODE_NET comment "k8s master node" sudo ipset add -! K8S_NODE_NET comment "k8s worker node 1" sudo ipset add -! K8S_NODE_NET comment "k8s worker node 2" sudo ipset add -! K8S_NODE_NET comment "k8s worker node 3" ## pod network sudo ipset add -! K8S_POD_NET comment "pod network cidr" sudo ipset add -! K8S_CLUSTER_NET comment "k8s cluster network cidr" ## vip pool (metallb) sudo ipset add -! K8S_EX_POOL comment "k8s external loadbalancer ip pool" sudo ipset add -! K8S_IN_POOL comment "k8s external loadbalancer ip pool" # warning echo "don't forget to remove K8S_ALL_LIST first if you have trouble, \`ipset x K8S_ALL_LIST\` " echo "otherwise, you can't clear ipset rule"